#DoncasterIsGreat but it needs a little #Greenjacking…

With its lush, fertile farmland and proud engineering heritage Doncaster should be one of the richest places in England. Thanks to years of industrial and social decline, with the added bonus of systematic economic and political mismanagement (not to mention the direct attacks from central government), it is one of the poorest. But it doesn’t have to be that way, not if we get our shit together and work towards greater self-reliance, resilience and sustainability… on both an individual and community level. Doncaster already has every resource it needs to provide a very comfortable life for the local population, we just need to think more ecologically and work more self-productively. Nobody else is going to do it for us. And as we have to start somewhere why not start here?..

small DUG poster Apr 2013

With no funding, but a lot of heart the DUG are trying to make a difference right here, right now, today! So why not go along to their next meeting? As Guerrilla Gardening is on the menu Greenjacker will be attending with a few ideas about establishing local Guerrilla Forest Gardens… hope to see you there! 😉

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